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Spatio-temporal resolution of plant autophagy in vivo


Postdoctoral project 

Plant Cell and Molecular Biology


Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU, Sweden

Apply here

Project description

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join us in elucidating organ-specific roles of plant autophagy during stress responses.


Autophagy is the major catabolic process of eukaryotic cells. Plant autophagy plays an important role in drought and salt stress tolerance, plant-pathogen interactions, fecundity and longevity of the organism(12). In our previous studies we demonstrated that artificial upregulation of autophagy has an invigorating effect on plant performance (34). To fully harness the potential of plant autophagy and use it for improving the crops we are investigating its fine dynamics under stress conditions.


For our studies we develop customized molecular reporters (5) and engineering solutions (6), which allow us to address new questions. In this project we will implement our recently established tools to characterize previously untraceable important features of plant autophagy. 



The successful candidate must have a PhD degree in plant biology or other relevant topic.

The candidate must be highly motivated, interested in working in a multicultural environment, be fluent in spoken and written English (upper secondary school grades equivalent to English B/English 6). Experience with molecular biology, genetic engineering,  typical plant model organisms are required, knowledge of programming languages is a benefit. 



Main supervisor:  Alyona Minina



Two years of full-time employment as a postdoctoral researcher at SLU. 

Starting date

September 1st, 2021 or later (the date is negotiable)

How to apply

Please follow this link, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the button "Apply". Sign up using your email address and fill in the application form.
The application must be submitted no later than 2021.07.01

Incomplete applications or applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.



SLU is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Here you can find information about equal opportunists support at the NJ faculty of SLU. 


Work environment

Swedish Agricultural University (SLU) is one of the highly-ranked universities world-wide. The department of Molecular Sciences belongs to the NJ-faculty and is located at the Uppsala BioCenter, Ultuna campus of SLU.  Our department is a vivid, multicultural workplace employing over a hundred researches with a very broad range of expertise including nanotechnology, inorganic and organic chemistry, structural biology, food science, microbiology, plant biochemistry and cell molecular biology. The department hosts or is responsible for outstanding facilities for protein crystallography, chromatography, bioreactor, NMR, mass spectrometry, advanced microscopy: AFM, SEM, confocal microscopy and contributes to the development and use of the Max IV synchrotron. The department provides a nourishing environment for establishing new transitional research. 

Academic union representatives

Contact info here.


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