Confocal microscopy
(7 credits)
November 3d - December 10th, 2014
Lectures and Seminars files
2014.12.10 9:00-12:00 Seminar 4 (Report), BioCenter C-212 (2d, ground floor)
The last homework (Report)
Seminar 3 (Softwares) original keynote file, Alyona Minina,Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Lecture 10 (ImageJ) example files, Panagiotis Moschou, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Lecture 9 (ZEN Blue), Eric Muren, Carl Zeiss AB
Lecture 8 (ZEN Black), Dirk Pacholsky, BioVis, UU
Homework for the 27th
Hands-on 2PM, LightSheet, SIM. Schedule
Lecture 7 (LightSheet microcsopy), Dirk Pacholsky, BioVis, UU
Lecture 6 (Multiphoton mciroscopy), Matyas Molnar, BioVis, UU
Lecture 5 (SHG), Matyas Molnar, BioVis, UU
Homework for the 25th
Practical part using Zeiss 780. Schedule
Seminar 2 (planning the practical part), Alyona Minina,Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Lecture 4 file was sent via e-mail (High Resolution microscopy), Hans Blom
Lecture 3, version with text (CARS microscopy), Juris Kiskis
Seminar 1 (Basics of confocal microscopy), Alyona Minina,Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Lecture 2 (Basics of confocal microscopy), Alyona Minina,Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Lecture 1 (Basics of light microscopy), Alyona Minina,Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Useful stuff
BioCenter Confocal Platform
BioCenter Imaging Platform instructions for Mac and Windows users
Open-source softwares:
ImageJ and Fiji (ImageJ+plugins)
Colocalization quantification:
Colocalization quantification & noise signal
Colocalization Pearsons vs Manders
Colocalization quantification in plant cells
FRET quantification:
Quantification of FRET
FRAP quantification:
Quantification of FRAP
Fluorescence intenisty qunatification:
Quantification of fluorescence intensity
Publishing digital images:
Figure manipulation: assesing what is acceptable. JCB
Manipulation and misconduct in handling of image data. Plant Cell
Here you can find the syllabus and preliminary schedule
Thanks to the rapid development of technology the fancy confocal microscopy is now available for every day use, this opens completely new horizons for both great discoveries and missing controls. The aim of this course is to provide students with a solid theoretical background essential for designing their experiments, introduce them to the most common softwares and also to give students an opportunity to have a hands-on experience with confocal microscopes available at the BioCenter and SciLifeLab, UU. Students will also meet experts from SciLifeLab, Stockholm and Chalmers to learn about other microscopy technologies available in Sweden.
To register for the course send an e-mail to: alena.minina (at)
Deadline for registration: October 20th 2014
All lectures are open, registration is required only to attend the practical part of the course
Alyona Minina,Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Hans Blom, SciLifeLab, KTH
Juris Kiskis, Chalmers University of Technology
Dirk Pacholsky, BioVis, UU
Matyas Molnar, BioVis, UU
Eric Muren, Carl Zeiss AB
Panagiotis Moschou, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Participants (max 20 students)
Salim Hossain Reza, Department of Plant Biology, SLU<
Sultana Jahan, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Jing Lu, Department of Food Science, SLU
Maria Karlsson, Food Science, SLU
Maria Leonor Segurado Gouveia, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, UU
Rita Batista, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Anna Carlson, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Shirin Akhter, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Daniel Johansson, Department of Food Science, SLU
Masud Parvage, Deaprtment of Soil and Environment, SLU
Tania Tajrin, Department of Ecology and Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, UU
Ylva Sjunnesson, Department of Clinical Sciences, SLU
Daniel Uddenberg, Department of Physiological Botany, UU
Xue Zhao, Department of Food Science, SLU
Eva Hellmén, Department of Clinical Sciences, SLU
Clément Lafon-Placette, Department of Plant Biology, SLU
Mohammad Jaber Alipour, SLU
Panisara Kunkitti, SLU