Supervision experience
2019 -present
Doctoral student Sanjana Holla
Main PhD supervisor
Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU, Sweden.
2022 -present
Doctoral student Florentine Ballhaus
Main PhD supervisor
Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU, Sweden.
Project student Jarl Kjellström
Practical research training (5 weeks)
Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU, Sweden.
Project student Jia Xuan Leong
Main supervisor of a lab rotation project (6 weeks)
COS, Heidelberg University, Germany.
Project student Ingo Holtz
Main supervisor of a lab rotation project (6 weeks)
COS, Heidelberg University, Germany.
Postdoc Adrian Dauphinee
Main postdoc supervisor
Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU, Sweden.
Postdoc Anna Åsman
Main postdoc supervisor
Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU, Sweden.
Doctoral student Laura Brodde
PhD co-supervisor
Department of Forest mycology and plant pathology, SLU, Sweden.
Doctoral student Pernilla H. Elander
PhD co-supervisor
Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU, Sweden.
Doctoral student Prashant Ramachandran
PhD co-supervisor
Department of Organism Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Master's student Therese Jonsson,
Main supervisor
Uppsala University, Sweden.
Sainsbury undergraduate student in plant science Makrina Diakakis
Main supervisor of a summer project (8 weeks)
Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU, Sweden.
Doctoral student Salim Hossain Reza
PhD co-supervisor
Department of Plant Biology, SLU, Sweden.
Masters degree student Sofia Garushyants
Main supervisor of the Master's degree project
Department of Virology Moscow State University in collaboration with the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Moscow State University. Moscow, Russia.
Undergraduate student Sofia Garushyants
Main supervisor of the lab rotation project
Department of Virology Moscow State University in collaboration with the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Moscow State University. Moscow, Russia.